What is eRebel?

Our eRebel clients are on-going clients of our firm.  Our eRebel service model is a another unique service level that most firms do not offer because they fail to differentiate between the different levels of client needs and the service they desire. In recognition that many of our clients want help in managing their investments and planning goals but are very “low maintenance” we created this category of client service to provide an excellent but more spartan service that combines the most practical and important services to help clients manage and grow their wealth.

rebel Financial is a truly independent financial firm that specializes in investment management and financial planning, dedicated to serving the best interests of our clients above all other considerations. √ All CPF Advisors. √ We are "Fee-Only". √ Always a Fiduciary to clients. 

What makes us different?

Professional excellence

Financial plans are always completed by Certified Financial Planners (CFP) who all have at least a BA/BS and we require at least 60 hours of continuing education per year.

Cutting edge technology

As a smaller company, freed from the bureaucratic gridlock of most large institutions, we implement the newest technology years before most of our competitors to build your plan with the best available tools.

Discretionary investment management

We take the additional care and liability to manage your investments with discretion, which means that we make changes to your accounts when they need rebalanced, without bothering you, and we take personal responsibility rather than asking our clients to rubber stamp every decision to avoid responsibility.

Fee-only & a Fiduciary

Fee-only means that we only accept compensation from our clients and do not accept compensation from 3rd parties and, as a fiduciary, we always represent our clients’ best interests 1st.

Freedom: Hire us on your own terms

Whether you want a one-time fee for advice/plan or want to hire us for the long-term, you are free to choose from multiple plans under either arrangement that fits your particular need.

Transparent Pricing

We are open and transparent in our pricing. We disclose our fees and help our clients to understand their total costs  so they can accurately judge the value of our services.

Proudly Representing

Check out our reviews

Unfortunately, we are prohibited from posting testimonials/reviews on our website by the SEC and the state regulatory authorities. However, we are allowed to have reviews on 3rd party sites on which we have no ability to manipulate them in our favor so that both positive and negative reviews can be equally evaluated by potential clients.

What is included as an eRebel Client?

Manage Investments Directly

We watch your investments closely and manage with discretion per your investment objectives. You must use one of our preferred custodians.

This also includes employer accounts through TIAA CREF & Fidelity, if eligible at your employer.

Tax Managed/Sensitive Portfolios

Depending on your situation and account type, we can tailor your investment strategy to reduce the taxable ramifications of your strategy and use local municipal bonds to make your portfolio(s) more efficient.

Online Access to your eRebel Portal

You have access to all of your financial information and goals based planning tools.

Access to on-going Financial Advice

We will always take questions from you to help you streamline your financial situation.

2 Webconference Meetings per year

To review your progress and performance.

Ability to upgrade to our other service models

You may upgrade at anytime, however, our eRebel model uses a slightly different technological solution than our Silver and Gold models which will require some data re-entry by you if possible.

How much does it cost?

The cost is $100/mo. plus our asset management fee schedules below.  This subscription fee is currently waived if you have more than $250,000 in Assets Under Management (AUM):

* Preferred Custodians for NQ and IRA Accounts include TD Ameritrade, Jefferson National, and TIAA CREF.
** Discounts may be applied where applicable and when warranted, at the discretion of rebel Financial LLC.

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Interested In Joining?

Select the “Join Now” button below.

You will be re-directed to an online scheduling page where you may book your initial appointment immediately (Choose the “Prospective Client” option).

Once you book your appointment, you will be redirected to a short, new client questionnaire (2 minutes to complete).

We will contact you before our initial meeting, within 2 business days, to discuss your situation briefly and supply you with the information that you will need to collect and bring with you to your first appointment.

1st Appointment: Is basically an appointment for you to interview us to see if you’d like to hire us and an opportunity for us to do the same to make sure that we will have a productive relationship.

If you decide to hire us and we accept you as a client, then we will move forward with the financial planning and asset transfers necessary for your unique situation.


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